Picture of Horseshoe on Anvil
Workin' the Horseshoe

Picture of Gandharva and Luke
Gandharva and Luke
Picture of Hammer on the Anvil
Tools of the Trade
Picture of Horseshoe Removal
Pulling off the Old Shoe
Picture of Freshly Trimmed Hoof
Freshly Trimmed Front Hoof
Picture of Horseshoe in Forge
Red Hot Horseshoe
Picture of Hot Shoeing
Burning on the Hot Shoe
Picture of Gandharva's New Shoes
Gandharva's New Shoes
Picture of Tashunke
Picture of Tashunke's Foot
Tashunke's Freshly Shod Right Front Foot
In order to stay sound, Tashunke needs to have the lateral (outer) side of his front feet shorter than the medial (inner) side. Even though his front feet give the appearance of a broken, toed-in pastern axis, Teshunke proves that the specific conformation of each horse should be the determining factor in shoe shape, fit, and balance. While Teshunke's foot might not "look right" to us at first glance, it sure feels right to him!